Friday, April 22, 2011

Get Picky Sketch #7

Hey all
yes it has been such a long long time!!!
i have been quite ill lately and have not had the energy to scrap (whats wrong with me u ask?????)..... well here is the reason
yes - i am pregnant! 12 weeks now!! yay! i have kinda passed the morning sickness although still do get it occasionally but still have not found the energy. i remember being 'zapped' with ds1 until about 20weeks so fingers crossed i will be bouncing around soon n back to my scrap room! it was amazing seeing our lil bub on screen the other day for the 1st time - absolutely amazing!! so so happy!!

anyways thought i would share my very first design team layout for the Get Picky Sketch #7.... i LOVE Get Picky's challenges and am so over the moon to be on their very talented design team. the other girls work is absolutely inspiring! You should pop in and give the sketch challenge a go!!. There is an awesome prize up for grabs from Srapville!! all you have to do is base your layout on this sketch

and here is my layout
and a close up

anita xxo