This is the news I have been dying to share for the past 3 months............
I am a Scrapbooking Memories MASTER for 2012-2013!!!!!
Yes, I made it!! wooohooo.....
It's all been a bit surreal but now I'm in reality.
The funny thing is I was catching up on Facebook and had just read a post from Kim Jeffress saying congrats to the girls who get the calls today, and then my phone rung... Sydney number.... NO WAY????? It was Cassie congratulating me on becoming a Master!!!! so I felt like I was floating on cloud 9!!! wow wow wow! I was not expecting it as this is my first time I have ever entered.
I loved the criteria to enter this year.... I gave myself two weeks and began creating. I really loved my entry. My heart and soul went into it. So Thank You to Cassie & Vanessa and the team at Scrapbooking Memories for seeing something in my entry.
I feel really bad keeping secrets, and to one of my close friends.... I WISH I COULD HAVE TOLD YOU!!! but now you have to come over and look at all my prizes and OOO and ARR over them like I did. So all that scrapping you seen me do at the end of July which isn't in the scrap shop, well that was my entry!
Lastly, I would like to congratulate the other amazing 9 girls who I will be working alongside this year! It's going to be a whirlwind!!!!
Hello, hello!!! welcome to my new, fresh, fun, & artsy blog design!!!!!
The most talented girl ever.... Em Stafrace has been busy busy designing this for me. I gave her a few ideas of what I wanted and she came up with the rest AND I love what she has done! She even came up with the idea to incorporate my own handwriting. So all the handwritten text.... well that's me! :)
Just awesome Em, you are a star!!! thank you!
My new blog title '7PM' comes from the time of day that I think all parents can relate to.... I really look forward to some peace to sit down and chill for a bit..... well, until the next day anyway.
So without further ado, to celebrate my new look blog I am having a giveaway!!
So please stay tuned and become a follower of mine to hear all about it!!! I will post the giveaway within the next week and it's going to be a beauty (Aussie slang for a big one).... !!!!
Hope you like the new look blog!!!..... and I can not wait to start sharing more of my creations here!!!